C.U. Again!

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A level 2 Control Unleashed group class, for previous graduates of Up to Snuff’s Control Unleashed class.

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This is a Level Two class, meaning you must have completed our level one Control Unleashed group class before signing up.  We will learn new exercises that build off of the skills you learned previously.  These exercises will be a little more complex, but still tons of fun!

What is this about?

Control Unleashed©, developed by Leslie McDevitt MA CDBC, is a framework for applying classical and operant conditioning procedures.  Put simply, this is a series of training games that you can use to help your dog feel more comfortable and confident in the world.  

CU games are designed to be simple for both dog and handler, to empower both ends of the leash.  You will learn to harness the powers of predictability, choice, and positive reinforcement.  We pay careful attention to the dog’s body language and their offered behaviors to ensure that they remain under threshold- meaning they feel safe enough to learn.  This approach centers joyful participation, which leads to more humane and effective behavior modification than traditional coercive training methods.

Any dog can benefit from the proper application of these training games.  They can be especially helpful for dogs who show fear- or frustration-related behaviors.  Even dogs who tend to thrive in different environments can benefit from the clear communication and choice aspects of this program.  CU was actually originally designed to help dogs in and around the agility ring and has come a long way!

What are the logistics?

There will be 3 classes, 60 minutes each, held on 3 consecutive Sundays.  The dates are 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, all at 12:00pm.  There are no make-up classes or refunds, so please plan to attend all three.  The cost for this series is $285 per student.

Who are the instructors?

This class is led by Ali Sutch KPA-CTP CCUI (Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner, Certified Control Unleashed© Instructor) and Cory Abshear CTBC (Certified Trainer and Behavior Consultant, Certified Control Unleashed© Instructor).

How does the sign-up process work?

There are 4 student spots available for this series and we will keep a waitlist.  Signups are first come, first served. During the check-out process, know that nothing will be shipped to you, so just choose either of the free shipping options.

How do I get on the waitlist?

If you missed out on grabbing a spot, send an email to ali@uptosnuff.net to be added to the waitlist for the next round of this class (dates TBD).