Play Dates!

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Join me and your peers on a 45-minute Zoom date, where we will review and discuss videos of dog play.

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Looking to further your understanding of healthy dog-dog play?

Reading body language, especially in a fast-paced interaction with multiple dogs, is a skill that takes tons of practice and patience. I find the best way to get better is to commit to watching lots of videos (especially in slow motion) and speaking my observations out loud.

Learning with like-minded peers is a great way to do this! You’ll pick up on things that others might not, and vice versa. And you’ll find comfort in knowing that everyone is on a learning journey and we’ll treat each other with kindness and grace.

What are the details?

Play Dates will take place on Zoom. They will be 45-60 minutes long. Attendance will be capped around ~6 people to ensure quality time and participation. Everyone will be able to submit their own video for us to review together.

How do I sign up?

Select the date/time from the drop down menu above. Then head to checkout. You’ll receive an email with more information on how to submit a video, and how to join the Zoom room.

Please note that you MUST have purchased and watched the recorded webinar “Play it Cool” before joining us for a Play Date.

Free BIPOC spots

Each Play Date will have a few free spots reserved for BIPOC folks. If you are interested in a spot, please email me No need to provide any other information.

Free for staff and volunteers of shelters and rescues

Simply enter the code SHELTER at checkout.